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Vendor Resources
Next Steps for Maximizing Your
Business Enterprise Program and Veterans Business Program Certification
Congratulations on attaining your State Certification! This is a pivotal step towards positioning your business for success with the State of Illinois. To help you navigate the subsequent steps and fully leverage your certification, please consider the following:
1. Leverage Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) Resources: Four CPOs manage a distinct portfolio and provide unique opportunities. Familiarizing yourself with these portfolios can strategically position your firm to tap into contracts from various State purchasing entities.
2. Register on Procurement Platforms: We strongly recommend visiting and registering on the Illinois Procurement Gateway (IPG) at https://ipg.illinois.gov/Home.aspx The IPG is an online vendor portal used for gathering business information from vendors who wish to conduct business with State agencies and universities. Instead of submitting required information in paper form with every solicitation response, vendors can submit the information in advance electronically.
3. Enroll in Notifications: Please be advised that BEP and/or VBP certification does not automatically subscribe you to notifications regarding solicitations. Each of the four CPOs publishes notices of the State's solicitations for their respective portfolios. We strongly recommend that all BEP-certified and VBP-certified vendors register with each of the four State of Illinois procurement bulletins to increase your visibility for potential contracting opportunities. Registration with the appropriate procurement bulletin corresponding to your NIGP codes is essential to stay informed about upcoming opportunities. Learn more about the chief procurement officers' bulletins and doing business with the State at https://pathway2procurement.illinois.gov/.
4. Utilize Available Resources: Optimize your opportunities by leveraging resources provided by the CPOs, including workshops, seminars, and guidance documents.
CPO Procurement Sites:
- Chief Procurement Officer of General Services: The CPO-GS oversees the goods and services purchases for roughly 65 State agencies, boards, and commissions. Learn more about CPO-GS at General Services (illinois.gov)
- Chief Procurement Officer of Higher Education: The CPO-HE oversees purchasing by State universities. Learn more about CPO-HE at Chief Procurement Office (illinois.gov)
- Chief Procurement Officer of Capital Development Board: The CPO-CDB oversees vertical construction and construction-related services purchases. Learn more about CPO-CDB at Chief Procurement Office - Capital Development Board (illinois.gov)
- Chief Procurement Officer of Illinois Department of Transportation: The CPO-IDOT oversees horizontal construction and construction-related services purchases. Learn more about CO-IDOT at https://cpo-dot.illinois.gov/
By actively engaging in these steps, your business will be well-prepared and strategically positioned to capitalize on forthcoming opportunities. Thank you for your participation in the BEP and / or VBP. We are here to support your endeavors and be an integral part of your continued growth and success.